09 April 2013

Why am I good to you?

When I think about the good that God has allowed lately, I think back to my reading of this little passage in George MacDonald's book that I am reading now called At the Back of the North Wind. The discussion is between the North Wind and a young boy named Diamond. In this book the reader is reminded that God allows certain good things to happen to people, but He also allows bad things to happen too. Even to those that we would deem as good people. There is no real answer to why this occurs. We are simply not God and cannot think like Him. The confusion is perfectly written here, in this passage, and there are several other spots that touch on this issue in my reader thus far.

"Why am I good to you?" (The North Wind)
"I don't know." (Diamond)
"Have you ever done anything for me?"
"Then I must be good to you because I choose to be good to you."
"Why should I choose?"
"Because - because - because you like."
"Why should I like to be good to you?"
"I don't know, except it is because it's good to be good to me."
"That's just it; I am good to you because I like to be good."
"Then why shouldn't you be good to other people as well as to me?"
"That's just what I don't know. Why shouldn't I?"
"I don't know either. Then why shouldn't you?"
"Because I am."

That's not an answer. And yet like Job, we are to be satisfied with the fact that God is. We hold fast in faith that what He says is true. He is the answer. But not the answer we would like to have for an answer, which would be packaged up neat and tight with a little bow. It's the eternal answer He gives, while we seek the earthly answer.

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